Sunday, August 14, 2011

What a day

It has been such a good morning I need to write it down, just to be able to remember this in the future. We have strongly felt God moving in our lives today, after months of wondering if God would ever let us feel like we were making the right decision.
It started with our Sunday morning community group, and the humbling, overwhelming, encouraging feeling of a roomful of friends earnestly praying for us and our future. We are so thankful to have become involved in a church that preaches the gospel, and is full of dear people being affected continually by the Word. Saying goodbye to you all was difficult, as we wish we could have had more time to get to know you.
So after group, on into the service we go...and oh what a message it was...the best way to describe the message is to just post a picture of my notes, so here's that --

Needless to say it was the message we needed to hear, as we're about to launch ourselves into a time of inbetween (tomorrow! Yikes!) There are so many emotions wrapped up in this, that I'm glad I'm writing this before everything else erupts.