Friday, May 02, 2008


Poor little thing has been in a lot of pain lately, she is getting her two bottom-front teeth! One of them has cut through and the other is on the way very shortly. We haven't managed to get a good picture lately, but I'm sure we'll get one once they're in a little better. The pain makes her not sleep very well at night lately, so it's been keeping us up too. That's ok though, we just take more naps whenever we can get them! Gina snapped this one a few days ago - we were just looking out the window together and both got really sleepy. :)


J Sews said...

What a precious picture!!! I hope she's over teething pain for a little bit! Pleasant dreams Daddy and Atalie! hugs to all from us!

nathanimator said...

I feel your pain. Coen's been working on his molars for a while now. Not so fun. But hey, it's just a phase and it'll pass! :)

Day by Day said...

I love the picture!

Ruth said...

Sleeping and snuggling - ah, the value of the simple things. Both refresh the heart. (And help with teething too!)