Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Well, not much is new. I've gone to the doctor twice since I posted last; the first visit everything was pretty much the same, then at my appointment today she told me that I'm almost 2cm and 60% effaced. A little progress, but not much. She suggested that I start drinking raspberry tea to help me not have to be induced (much more appetizing than castor oil... which many people strongly recommend against). I picked some up at Wal-Mart and when I got home looked it up online. I haven't found anything that says that it helps bring on labor, but there seems to be some that suggest that it might help shorten labor and make your contractions more effective. I'll take whatever help I can get! :) We also went to the mall to walk around for a few hours. It's way to hot to be walking outside. Hopefully something will help me progress a little bit faster!!
I couldn't just walk around the mall without at least stopping in some of the stores, and while I was in Kirkland's I found a really cute lamp for in my kitchen! I was wanting something to be a soft light for under the cabinets so that it's light at night without always having to use the blinding overhead light. I really like what I found, and it was only 8 bucks!!

1 comment:

J Sews said...

Your lamp sounds GREAT! Can't wait to see it (and YOU and BABY too!!!)