Sunday, February 27, 2011

Missionaries to MK's

I stumbled on Pete and Bree Ammerman's blog today. I haven't ever met them but they've started the training with New Tribes Mission, and since I grew up in New Tribes I thought I'd snoop at what they're up to. God's really given them a heart for Missionary Kids. What they're doing is so cool - there's not much more scary than feeling like you're all alone and your parents are a country away. Pete and Bree are right now at New Tribes Bible Institute in Waukesha - where Ben and I are hoping to be this fall! It's so neat to see them already ministering to the MKs there. I particularly liked the part about the MK winter retreat. The lessons they learned there really hit home to me. I've gone through so many of those emotions and so many times it's easy to feel like you're the only one. Anyway, check them out!

Aaaand, because I know that some people *cough, cough... mom* only really check this for pictures of my little peanuts... here ya go. And I love you.

1 comment:

J Sews said...

ahem... cough, cough! Here I am! Your #1 stalker! Those babies are SOOO precious! What GREAT pictures! (Really enjoyed the mud puddle jumping too! OUR HUGS TO YOU ALL!!
xoxo ma